Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five

In order to get myself to post more on my blog, I've decided that I need to start writing more brief posts. That way, it won't be so time consuming to write a post. I am going to start a series entitled "The Friday Five." In these posts, I will talk about five things that I'm liking at that moment or things that are just generally on my mind. Hopefully I can keep this up!

Keep in mind that these are in no particular order, they are just things that have had some kind of impact on me to make me want to blog about them.

1. Top Chef: Just Desserts

This is one of my new favorite TV shows. I have never followed a season of Top Chef in the past but have caught episodes here and there and have liked it. When I found out that there was going to be a season of Top Chef based solely around desserts, I knew it was my kind of show.

 This mouthwatering show is on its fourth week and it features twelve talented pastery chefs. I just love watching the creations they come up with every week and it inspires me to try new complicated things in the kitchen. It also helps that it has its share of reality show drama...Seth, if you're reading this, and obviously I'm sure you are because what else would you have to do after doing Top Chef?--you are obnoxious and a drama queen and I'm glad you left. Ahh-that felt good to get off my chest.

I'm going to predict that the winner will come down to either Heather H. or Erika. You heard it hear first people.

2. Sleepytime Tea

I have recently become a nighttime showerer. After 24 years of being a morning showerer (is that a word?) I decided to give nighttime showering a chance. And guess what. I love it. It is so great to have the extra time in the morning to be able to sleep in a little longer or just be generally lazy.

As part of my new bedtime routine, after I shower and do my hair, I join the Hubs on the couch for some TV with a cup of Sleepytime Tea.

My daily beverage routine anyway usually involves a cup of green tea in the morning at work but this is a great addition. The herbal flavors are delicious and it really is a good way to unwind before hitting the hay...and who can resist that adorable bear?!

3. Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash

Now, I love nearly anything and everything from Trader Joe's. In fact, I can see many of TJ's products popping up in future Friday Fives. I picked up some of this body wash during my recent trip to Trader Joe's after reading about it on another blog.

 I was surprised at how inexpensive it was considering the posh looking bottle it is in and the fact that it is made with all natural ingredients. The light peppermint scent is refreshing and overall, it leaves me feeling very clean! It is also vegan (I assume that means it is not tested on animals and contains no animal byproducts.) I'm not a vegan or anything but I feel good knowing that I'm using vegan bodywash!

4. Fantasy Football

Yes, yes, you read that correctly. My girlfriends and I (plus two of our husbands) started a fantasy football league. At first I didn't understand what the point was if there was no prizes or money involved but soon enough my competitive nature came through and I am thorougly enjoying it.

 My team is currently in second place. BUT I have the most points. I'm still trying to figure out how that works but whatever. I'll make it back to the top. My friend Uk is in first place. Thats just because she has team pancake breakfasts and stuff though.

5. Being Done With Wedding Thank You Cards

I truley am so so so thankful for everyone who attended our wedding and were so generous in giving us gifts. But the thanks you cards were just...a pain. I finally sent them out this week and there goes my final wedding task. Bittersweet.

Happy Friday! :)


  1. Sara - (hello new in-law :) Your Friday Fives are AWESOME!! Love having tea time with Ron and we like Sleepytime tea! I love the Trader Joe's tea tree body wash, too :) and, your thank you cards were the cutest I have ever seen!

    Since today is Friday, i will share 3 of my favorite things this week -with you ---

    1- Orange jack-o-lantern candle (from Pottery Barn)
    2- Envirosax and Flip and Tumble bags!!
    3-"Stash labbit plush (small pink one)

  2. Hi Carol!

    Thanks for sharing your favorite things! I want some of those bags and the little "stash labbit" is adorable!! I hope all is well with you guys! :)
