Friday, October 29, 2010

A Spooky Friday

1. Halloween Cookies

My project for tonight is to make these cookies:

They are for a Halloween party we are going to tomorrow night. I might make some different variations depending on what cookie cutters I have. Hopefully they will come out as cute. Maybe I'll update later in the week with pictures of my cookies. For more adorable cookies to make for any occasion check out Bridget's blog over at Bake at 350 . 

2. McDonald's Coffee

I know I'm a Boston girl and I'm supposed to just love LOVE Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Well guess what. I don't. Actually, I more or less hate it. I think it tastes like sewage. or bathwater. or something equally disgusting. When I'm out and about and need a cuppa' joe I head to Mickey D's!

Now, I know McDonald's usually gets kind of a bad rep for most of their products but they do their coffee RIGHT. McDonald's serves Newman's Own organic coffee and it is delicious. This is usually the kind of coffee I buy for my home coffee machine. It is so much better than Dunks or Starbucks (in my opinion) AND you can get any size for just $1!

3. True Blood

For the Halloween party we're going to tomorrow night, Hubs and I are going as Sookie and Bill from one of our favorite shows True Blood.
While I like this costume idea because it is a cute couple costume and it is based on two of our favorite characters, Hubs likes it because it requires minimal dressing up on his part.

4. Our Landlord

Our landlord is a little kooky woman who is probably in her late 60s. I give her credit because she does all the mowing and yard work around the townhouses all on her own. The past few days she's been raking and mowing every afternoon. The other day I saw her and it looked to me like she was mowing the driveway. The paved driveway. I soon realized that she was actually just using the mower to suck up the leaves in the driveway. Ok. Fine. Today I come home from work to find her walking up and down the street, mowing the WHOLE street. Not people's yards on the street. The actual street. She doesn't own the whole street, just the two townhouse buildings but she apparently felt the need to suck up all the leaves in the city. She cracks me up.

5. Nail Polish

I found a new nail polish I love. In the fall and winter, I'm always drawn to dark shades of nail polish. Usually I stick to OPI it is high quality and it leaves a good, even coating. One day I decided to paint my nails but could not find any of my nail polish (I think it all got lost or thrown out in the move a few months ago.) I was in Target and just decided to settle on something cheaper and not as professional as OPI. I finally decided on this:

Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure in "Pat on the Black. It promised a salon manicure finish but I was doubtful. I got home and tried it out. The color I got is a dark, dark shade of purple, almost black. After just one coat, it was dark and covered enough to be done! I threw on a second coat for good measure and my nails were beautiful! Sally, you have proved me wrong! For a fraction of the price of OPI, I got results that were just as good. Also, I had this on my nails for a good week and a half before I saw any chipping! I think I may have found a new go-to nail polish.

Happy Halloween! What are your plans?
Hubs just came up and told me he ate TWO of the FULL SIZED candy bars we got for trick-or-treaters. In one sitting!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pie Meets Cake

I have a few autumn holiday parties coming up throughout the next few weeks. In my search to find something to bake for these events I came across this:
It's called the Pumpple Cake. The Pumpple Cake is found at The Flying Monkey Bakery in Philadelphia. Basically, this cake is for those of us who just cannot decide on what dessert we want after indulging in our Thanksgiving feasts.

This cake is a pumpkin pie baked into a chocolate cake and an apple pie baked into a vanilla cake. The two cakes are then stacked and covered buttercream. Apparently when all is said and done, the cake weighs about 15 pounds. 

As much as I love desserts, this one just seems a bit too much for me. To my family and friends-- I'm sorry to say, you will not be seeing this on the dessert table this holiday season.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Chilly Friday

1. A Broken Key

I have to be at work at 8:30 every day but usually have about a half hour of prep time before meeting with students. However, this morning, I was meeting with a student AT 8:30. So, it was more important than ever that I be on time....

...and of course I was running late. I kissed Hubs goodbye and ran out the door. Just as I pass the oh so convenient gas station down the street from our house and get on the highway, my gas light comes on. 

I pull off the next exit and find a gas station, thinking to myself that the poor little girl who just can't grasp the concept of tally marks is going to just have to wait a few more minutes. I pull up to the gas station and begin pumping. When I finished, I get out my keys to start my car and see something that looks like this:
not my key, but close enough
My car key had broken off in my ignition! How does that happen?! I immediately panic and call Hubs. He doesn't answer. So I try to use the key stump to start my car. After a few tries, I guess I finally got it lined up with the broken part and the car starts! Hooray! I drive to work (arrive just on time) and hope that I'll be able to do it again when I leave.

I'm able to start the car again when I leave work and I get home. I call a locksmith to come and remove it. I don't know how it works but it seems easy enough right? I just need the piece of the key to come out of the ignition. You'd think they just take a super strong magnet or something to suck it out or a pair of tweezers to gently take it out.

Locksmith Man was at the house working on getting the key piece out for THREE hours before I tell him that I have to go to work (job #2.) He says I can drive the car and he'll come to my work and finish it there. (Keep in mind that the key piece was still stuck in the ignition at this point....what has he been doing other than pulling pieces off of my car?!) Ok fine. Just get it done.

I get out of work hours later, get in my car and NOTHING had been done. I call him and he says he wasn't able to get there and he'll meet me at my house to finish it. 15-20 minutes of work left MAX. He meets me at the house and works for another hour or so. Then he tells me that he's going to have to come back tomorrow.

Seriously though, how does this happen?

2. Sam's Popcorn

Up in Vermont where Hubs comes from there is a place called Sam's. Sam's is a sporting goods store and we've driven by it plenty of times but I never really gave it a second thought.


Well, a few weeks ago we were hanging out with our friends A&D. D is from Hubs' hometown as well. They were talking about how every time they go to Vermont to visit his parents, they stop by Sam's to get free popcorn. "WHAT?!" I say to Hubs. "You've never taken me to get free popcorn!!"

Hubs argued that it wasn't even that good and that he has taken me plenty of other places that are much better. True, but...I like popcorn. and I LOVE free.

So this past weekend, while we were in VT, Hubs finally took me to Sam's.

and it didn't disappoint! Of course, it was no fancy restaurant or anything but it was a nice little snack and another Vermont experience that I guess you just have to do!

3. Babies

Hubs and I found this documentary on Netflix on Demand called Babies. It follows the lives of four babies around the world from San Fransisco, Tokyo, Mongolia, and Namibia. You know I love babies so I couldn't resist watching it.

Along with the obvious cuteness factor, it was so interesting to see the different lives that each of these babies live. The parenting styles in each of these cultures were SO different because of the culture and climate of where they live. It was also interesting to see the huge contrast between the modern, technology driven cultures of the U.S. and Japan versus the rural, poor settings of Mongolia and Namibia. Even though the babies all live in such different atmospheres, you can still see that the parents of all these children still have the same ultimate goals for their babies (more or less.)

I definitely recommend that you check out this movie!

4. Slippers

With the recent cold weather come slipper season! I love love LOVE slippers and have officially pulled mine out for the winter. 

These are my favorite slippers. I love them because they are furry and don't just keep my feet warm but my ankles too! What are your favorite slippers?

5. Kindergartners

I know last week I said I like fifth graders but this week with my new job as well as my other job I've been working more and more with kindergartners. I've always been a little afraid of kindergartners. While they're cute, they just seemed a little too hard to handle. Now that I'm getting used to them, I'm liking them more and more!

A few funny kindergarten quotes:

  • "Mrs. D, are you Mr. D's wife?" (Mr. D is the 60 year old gym teacher)

  • after telling them a story where I mentioned my mom: "You have a mom?!"

  • "Excuse me Mrs. D, do you know how to tie shoes?"

  • "Do you know if there are any $1 books at the book fair? Sometimes I find dollar bills laying around my house."

  • and this last one is kind of a cheat because it was actually a third grader but I just had to include it: "Mrs. D, how do you spell 'psycho deranged killer?" (ok, that one might be a little creepy...)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Already?!

Woah! How'd it get to be Friday again so quickly!? I guess that's what a long weekend will do. It's fabulous having only a four day work week! It's a good Friday! Hubs and I are heading up to Vermont tonight AND I just found out that I got a new (second) job!! I interviewed yesterday and they called me today! It was one that I really wanted so I'm super excited. More on that later though.

This week was a little bit more difficult thinking of a Friday Five but I promised I'd do it every week so I guess I just have to put the effort in!

1. Mags

One of my closest friends from college came to visit from Indiana for the long weekend! I hadn't seen her in over a year and she wasn't able to make it up for our wedding so it was great to see her and catch up!

Plus, I know she's a blog follower and she compared me to The Pioneer Woman so of course I needed to include her in my Friday Five!

2. Pandora

No, not the planet from Avatar. 

or the charm bracelet brand.

I'm sure this is old news for most people and this is in no way a new discovery to me, its just something that is on my mind. If you're not familiar, Pandora is a music website where you can listen to music for free at anytime. It is kind of like the radio but you have more control. You just type in the name of a band or song you are into and it will create a "station" based on your likes. The downside is that you can't listen to any song you want at anytime but I kind of like the surprise of what is coming next! I listen to it pretty much anytime I'm doing something on the computer!

3. Fifth Graders

Prior to this year, my teaching experience had primarily consisted of teaching the younger grades (first and second.) This year I am working almost exclusively teaching fifth grade math. I wasn't sure how I would like it but as it turns out, I love fifth grade!

Sure, they're a little awkward but I feel like I can actually talk to them if that makes sense. You don't have to baby them as much as the younger kids and I leave feeling like they really appreciate my help. They're actually kind of funny too!

4. Sister Wives

This new series on TLC is just fascinating to me. It follows the lives of the Browns, a family of fundamentalist Mormons who practice polygamy. The husband, Kody, has four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn and they all live together with their combined 16 children. 

I am in no way promoting the practice of polygamy (although I admit, I have asked a few of my friends if they will be my sister wife....Hubs said I'm as much wife as he can handle) but it is interesting just to watch the family dynamic of these people. The "sister wives" are all each others best friends and share in the duties of the household, yet they still have normal feeling of jealousy at times. If you haven't seen it yet, catch the season finale (already?!) on Sunday. I for one am hoping for a season two of this one...

5. My Sister-In-Law

I have kind of a unique situation. Growing up with only one brother, I have always wanted a sister. When I first met Hubs, he only had three brothers. I thought all hope was lost at ever gaining a sister. About a year into our relationship however, Hubs gained a sister and all hope for me getting a sister-in-law wasn't lost! She is so much more I could have ever asked for in a sister-in-law. 

This is my two year old sister in law and she is a fairy (not really.)  I guess she's not what you would typically think of when you hear the term "sister in law" but I wouldn't ask for it any other way. She was the CUTEST baby and is still the CUTEST two year old. You might just think I'm being biased but seriously, I think I would think that even if we weren't related. She made an adorable flower girl in our wedding and keeps us constantly entertained. We get to see her when we visit Hubs parents in Vermont this weekend and we are so excited! 

Happy Friday! Have a good weekend!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five

In order to get myself to post more on my blog, I've decided that I need to start writing more brief posts. That way, it won't be so time consuming to write a post. I am going to start a series entitled "The Friday Five." In these posts, I will talk about five things that I'm liking at that moment or things that are just generally on my mind. Hopefully I can keep this up!

Keep in mind that these are in no particular order, they are just things that have had some kind of impact on me to make me want to blog about them.

1. Top Chef: Just Desserts

This is one of my new favorite TV shows. I have never followed a season of Top Chef in the past but have caught episodes here and there and have liked it. When I found out that there was going to be a season of Top Chef based solely around desserts, I knew it was my kind of show.

 This mouthwatering show is on its fourth week and it features twelve talented pastery chefs. I just love watching the creations they come up with every week and it inspires me to try new complicated things in the kitchen. It also helps that it has its share of reality show drama...Seth, if you're reading this, and obviously I'm sure you are because what else would you have to do after doing Top Chef?--you are obnoxious and a drama queen and I'm glad you left. Ahh-that felt good to get off my chest.

I'm going to predict that the winner will come down to either Heather H. or Erika. You heard it hear first people.

2. Sleepytime Tea

I have recently become a nighttime showerer. After 24 years of being a morning showerer (is that a word?) I decided to give nighttime showering a chance. And guess what. I love it. It is so great to have the extra time in the morning to be able to sleep in a little longer or just be generally lazy.

As part of my new bedtime routine, after I shower and do my hair, I join the Hubs on the couch for some TV with a cup of Sleepytime Tea.

My daily beverage routine anyway usually involves a cup of green tea in the morning at work but this is a great addition. The herbal flavors are delicious and it really is a good way to unwind before hitting the hay...and who can resist that adorable bear?!

3. Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash

Now, I love nearly anything and everything from Trader Joe's. In fact, I can see many of TJ's products popping up in future Friday Fives. I picked up some of this body wash during my recent trip to Trader Joe's after reading about it on another blog.

 I was surprised at how inexpensive it was considering the posh looking bottle it is in and the fact that it is made with all natural ingredients. The light peppermint scent is refreshing and overall, it leaves me feeling very clean! It is also vegan (I assume that means it is not tested on animals and contains no animal byproducts.) I'm not a vegan or anything but I feel good knowing that I'm using vegan bodywash!

4. Fantasy Football

Yes, yes, you read that correctly. My girlfriends and I (plus two of our husbands) started a fantasy football league. At first I didn't understand what the point was if there was no prizes or money involved but soon enough my competitive nature came through and I am thorougly enjoying it.

 My team is currently in second place. BUT I have the most points. I'm still trying to figure out how that works but whatever. I'll make it back to the top. My friend Uk is in first place. Thats just because she has team pancake breakfasts and stuff though.

5. Being Done With Wedding Thank You Cards

I truley am so so so thankful for everyone who attended our wedding and were so generous in giving us gifts. But the thanks you cards were just...a pain. I finally sent them out this week and there goes my final wedding task. Bittersweet.

Happy Friday! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CoCo My Love

About a year and a half ago, Hubs and I went to Japan.

I could write a whole post about our entire two week journey through the Land of the Rising Sun but that's not what I'm here to talk to you about today. 

One of the many things we were excited to do in Japan was, of course, try new foods. If it was new and different, we tried it. Sushi, onigiri, udon, soba, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, coffee from a can, ohhh yummmm, the list goes on and on. 
I just love the little Japanese man in the background staring at us gluttonous fools in disbelief
However, out of all the foods we had in Japan, there is one that keeps our mouths watering to this day.
Coco Ichibanya! or Coco's Curry House as we call it. They seem to be on every street corner in Japan. The Dunkin Donuts of Tokyo if you will. We were first introduced to it by Hubs' friend MD who we were staying with while in Japan. I didn't know anything about Japanese curry but, being a fan of Thai and Indian curry, I was willing to give it a shot. 

Let me tell you, in the two weeks we were in Japan, we went back to Coco's three more times. It's that good.

I have to admit, I was skeptical at first because everything on the menu looked a little like a pile of cat food.
But my skepticism flew out the window with the first taste of the delicious chicken katsu curry. Seriously, I wish I could describe the taste and my love for it but I just can't. The only thing I can say about it is that it is, without a doubt, one of the top three meals I have EVER. EATEN. IN. MY. LIFE.

Coco's curry is a thick, brown, gravy-like sauce served over your choice of meat. The classic combination is the curry over a fried chicken cutlet and sticky white rice. You are given a generous sized piece of naan bread on the side to sop up every last drop of deliciousness. You can choose your spice level ranging from mild, to regular spice, to a scale from 1-10. Hubs and I, not knowing what to expect, ordered a spice level 3 and 2, respectively. Now, both of us like a good amount of "kick" to our food but HOLY SMOKES! Spice levels 2 and 3 were quite spicy! The following three visits, we stuck to the regular spice which still had a decent amount of "kick." I can't even imagine what a 10 must be like. 

During the last visit to Coco's of our trip, we noticed that they sell the curry sauce in boxes to make at home. Knowing we would miss our friend Coco, we grabbed two boxes to take back to the States with us. 
After a slight scare going through customs in which they almost took our Coco's gold away from us, we were safely home with our little boxes of heaven. 

We knew we had to be strategic about when to enjoy our Cocos, as we only had two boxes. Throughout the next few months, we chose the perfect opportunities to make our favorite meal. However, all good things have to come to an end. We were out of Cocos. 

Hubs did some extensive research on where we could find a Cocos equivalent in the U.S. (other than in Hawaii which apparently is another Coco's hub.) We found a place in Cambridge called Cafe Mami's that specializes in Japanese Katsu Curry. It is a good place to go to satisfy our hankerings but it just doesn't compare to good ol' Cocos. 

Hubs also tried to make it himself from scratch. Still good, but no Cocos. 

One day, as Hubs was surfing the internet, he found someone on Ebay selling the boxes of Cocos. Of course, he ordered a box and we were happy again. 

With the box in our kitchen cabinet, I was waiting for the day we would enjoy Cocos again. I had huge plans of documenting the meal in photos and blogging about it. 

Last night, we broke open the box and enjoyed the wonderful Coco's once again. However, in my hunger and excitement, of course, I forgot to take pictures. The curry was gone before you could say ichibanya. 

It's good to know that when we want Coco's, its just a quick Ebay trip away. However, for the real deal, looks like we'll just have to take another trip to Japan!
Coco's, so true